Saturday, November 27, 2010

Empty Talking.

Getting older gets more annoying as each day goes by. Main topics of conversation used to be, "How am I gonna afford to get this oil change?" and "That band sucks, because secretly I'm into cutting things down that have succeeded that I don't like." Now, all I seem to hear is "Those jobs actually have a good salary?" and "Congratulations on your Engagement!"

I can't explain how much it feels like just yesterday I woke up and didn't care about anything other than what Aaron was doing later. Except just yesterday, literally, I had to wake up and write a five page paper on how debt can actually be good for corporations.

I know it's the same old story for most lucky young people in America, but that doesn't mean it sure is annoying. So annoying that it effects other things in our lives too, making us post on social networks about how annoying things truly are to us. We'll use elaborate stories with big words and type in ways we would never talk in public to drive the point in deeper.

I like the idea of good flow and well written stories, but I guess it's just different when you know the people. I understand wanting to be more presentable and mature, but I have trouble believing some of the things I read on our social crutches. They always seem forced. Hell, I do it all the time for no reason.

Why does any of this matter? It doesn't. Me writing this proves my point about how we lean on these things on our computers because we don't have to have the actual conversation with an actual human. Was that my point? Probably not, but it sounded smart.

James, why all the negativity? It's not negativity as much as it is honesty. It only makes sense for a 23 year old to rant about something that happens to everyone, along with things that he does himself. Don't get me wrong, some people I know have awesome blogs and awesome things to say. Hell, either way I'll continue to read everything I possibly can on the internet. And that makes sense coming from me.

I'm thankful for all the good and bad I always have. Happy Thanksgiving, internet.


Anonymous said...

you go from one thing to another really well? ..hmm


Heather Amaris said...

Exactly. I do the same's almost like I can't help it anymore. Granted I haven't written anything in a long time solely because I don't want it to sound forced. It's like your saying everything I've ever thought about this whole social networking thing... awesome